Problem #4 Solution

Problem #4 is here

Problem #4 Solution File


Two important lemmas we will need are the type-theoretic axiom of choice and decidable equality for Fin.

The axiom of choice is expressed as

Definition AC{X Y}(P : X -> Y -> Prop) : (forall x, {y : Y & P x y}) -> {f : X -> Y & forall x, P x (f x)}

and allows us to construct functions satisfying certain properties from constructive proofs.

Decidable equality is expressed as

Lemma Fin_dec_eq : forall (n : nat)(i j : Fin n), {i = j} + {i <> j}

and will allow us to define functions on Fin n in a more ‘pointwise’ fashion.

Injection to surjection

The main argument uses an induction on n. The zero case trivial. If f : Fin (S n) -> Fin (S n) is an injection, our goal will be to somehow construct a related injection fhat : Fin n -> Fin n which will allow us to use the inductive hypothesis in a useful manner.

The easiest case to consider is when f (inl tt) = inl tt, since we can prove using injectivity that for any x f (inr x) = inr y for some y; then, using AC, we could create a function fhat : Fin n -> Fin n which related each such x to y which is obviously injective. By the inductive hypothesis, fhat is a surjection, so we can then easily show from there that f is surjective.

Of course, we can’t make this assumption, but we can slightly modify f so this is the case: just switch f (inl tt) and inl tt in f. Since Fin (S n) has decidable equality, we can do this by composing f with a transposition function:

Definition transpose(n : nat)(i j : Fin n) : Fin n -> Fin n :=
  fun x => match Fin_dec_eq n i x with
           |left  _ => j
           |right _ => match Fin_dec_eq n j x with
                       |left  _ => i
                       |right _ => x

Surjection to injection

We will prove and use a lemma which says that Fin n cannot surject onto Fin (S n):

Lemma no_surj_n_Sn : forall (n : nat)(f : Fin n -> Fin (S n)), surj f -> False.

Once more, we induct on n, and the zero case is trivial. Suppose then that we have a surjection f : Fin (S n) -> Fin (S (S n)). We have two cases to consider:

Case i f (inl tt) = inl tt

In this case, we know from surjectivity of f that every inr y is hit by some inr x. Thus, we have a surjection Fin n -> Fin (S n), a contradiction.

Case ii f (inl tt) = inr y0

In this case, we can’t show that every inr y is hit by an inr x, since inl tt might be the only element to hit inr y0. However, we know that there is some inr x that hits inl tt, and we can just redirect that one element to y0. Again, we can then produce the desired surjection Fin n -> Fin (S n).

With this lemma in hand, we are ready to prove the main result. Again, the zero is case is easy. Suppose f : Fin (S n) -> Fin (S n) is a surjection and suppose f x = f x'. Since Fin (S n) has decidable equality, we can assume for contradiction that x <> x'. The essential idea now is that we can remove either x and preserve surjectivity, leaving us with n elements and thus a surjection Fin n -> Fin (S n). Of course, there is some maneuvering that needs to be done to make the ‘hole’ left by removing x at inl tt so that we can create a function on the domain Fin n.

Written on June 2, 2017