Problem #3 Solution

Problem #3 is here

Problem #3 Solution File

The key lemma is that we can use Dedekind-finiteness of X to find solutions for x in equations of the form a * x = b and x * a = b. First, note that left and right multiplication of a given element is injective. This follows immediately from left- and right-cancellativity of *. We can then apply the Dedekind-finiteness assumption to show left and right multiplication are surjective. This of course is exactly the statement that all equations a * x = b and x * a = b have solutions. We package this into two lemmas:

Lemma r_eq_solve : forall a b, {x : X & a * x = b}.

Lemma l_eq_solve : forall a b, {x : X & x * a = b}.

(note that we can’t use the Prop existential quantifier, since we will need to use these facts to construct the identity and inverse)

At this stage, we have only one element x0 and a means of constructing solutions to these basic equations. Certainly, we know that the identity will uniquely solve the equation x * x0 = x0, so we will take this element as our identity e. We know then that e * x0 = x0, but how can we show this for any x and not just x0? This follows from a couple of rewrites. First, let y be such that x = x0 * y (by r_eq_solve). We then have that

e * x = e * (x0 * y) = (e * x0) * y = x0 * y = x.

Thus, e is indeed a left identity. What about right? Using right-cancellativity, to show that x * e = x, it suffices to show that (x * e) * e = x * e. This follows immediately from the fact that e is a left identity:

(x * e) * e = x * (e * e) = x * e.

(note that the choice of e as the ‘cancelling’ element on the right is entirely arbitrary)

With e defined at its properties now established, we move onto defining the inverse. We take inv x to be element given by l_eq_solve such that inv x * x = e. Thus, the left inverse property is automatic. To establish the right inverse property, we again use right-cancellativity. To show that x * inv x = e, it suffices to show that (x * inv x) * x = e * x:

(x * inv x) * x = x * (inv x * x) = x * e = x = e * x.

Written on May 26, 2017